Acupuncture has been practiced on both animals and human beings for many thousands of years in China. It was discovered by the ancient Chinese that the health of the body depends on the Qi(chee), which is the life force or energy in the body.
Is Acupuncture Right for Your Pet?
Well, you made it to my office with your furry friend and lots of information for me to put the puzzle together on your pet’s projects. I like the word projects much better than problems!
When is acupuncture an appropriate choice? Every animal can benefit from an acupuncture treatment, but is it the best approach to resolving the current issue. Many animals may not allow it because they are presently too painful or they just will not allow needles to be inserted.
It is used most often when animals are paralyzed or have a difficult time walking because of spinal disc disease. Acupuncture helps with pain management. The needles are placed into the skin along energy pathways called meridians. Most animals come to enjoy this treatment which lasts about 20-30 minutes. The number of treatments is determined during the first visit along with the treatment intervals. The most common scenario is 2-3 times the first week, 1-2 times the second week then weekly. Usually, within 4 sessions there are signs of improvement, which can help predict the timing of further treatments.
Along with acupuncture, I may send home Chinese Herbs which also help with the energy or Qi(chi). One of the overall reasons for acupuncture is to help keep the Qi moving in the meridian paths because when Qi is blocked it can result in pain. During the next appointment, we explore what else can be utilized to help this “puzzle project”!